Challenge & Solidarity, beyond borders!

Challenge & Solidarity, beyond borders!

The Doc Riders, a sporting and solidarity challenge

A few months ago, the Ipsilon Belgium and Luxembourg offices took on the crazy challenge of taking part in the DOC RIDERS, a 100-kilometre bike race through the Belgian Ardennes organised by Médecins du Monde. Before being a sporting challenge, this race was first and foremost a challenge of solidarity: to take part, they had to raise 1,500 euros per team.

So the Ipsiclistes (the warrior team, made up of Axel, Yves and Lysander) and the Ipsiclettes (the calmer but equally fun team of Thomas, Eva and Manon) rolled up their sleeves!

There were many (and sometimes desperate) ways of raising money, but they managed to collect a total of almost 4,000 euros from their colleagues, friends and families! Not a small amount of pride, since this sum will be used to help Médecins du Monde in its essential social activities, namely providing free medical care to people in need.

Solidarity that goes beyond professional relationships

The start of the race took place under the best of circumstances: radiant sunshine, joyful cyclists and a large number of supporters. Their families came to cheer them on, and their incredible colleagues from Ipsilon Belgium and Luxembourg sometimes drove over two hours to come and support them! The encouragement and banners of Hanne, Pauline, Mariya, Yuan, Elke, Marco and Jean-Paul were like energy bars throughout the race.

The solidarity didn’t stop there, however, because (as you can imagine) you have to support each other to climb the Belgian hills and their 1,650 metre gradient. Particularly when thigh aches, cramps and lamp problems make an appearance. The solidarity challenge was also not to lose team-mates (but given the Ipsilon colours worn by the teams, the risks were rather low…).

As night fell, the two teams were able to finish their race and complete the 100 kilometres. After well-earned pasta dishes and massages, they celebrated in true Belgian style, over one (or perhaps more) good beer(s).